Make windows XP faster

This tips just a litle tips make our windows xp get faster like refresh and you you also feel it at the time of opening the program at the start - all programs, it will be lighter.

For the first you must back up your registry windows before you try, cause your windows will broken permanent. so if we try and windows not work or broken we only re install operating system.

1. Setting your Contiguous file Allocation Size
this tweak will add often aplications you use.
open registry windows with run regedit from menu Star | Run. open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Current ControlSet\Control\FileSystem. and then add ContigFileAllosize from DWORD (Double Click and then New|DWORD)and write value 200.

2. To Free Memory from File DLL.
The Files DLL always big use place in memory. The files DLL you use and you remove or close the windows still save in memory. To free memory from Files DLL do it : Open registry windows with run rgedit from menu start|Run . then find and open key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer. then add String Always UnloadDll and write value 1.

3. Restart without re-booting for win9x/me
every you setup and install the program your computer will ask to restart to first. but if you lazy to wait you can make windows for restart it's self. with press Shift while you option restart from menu Shutdown windows.

4. To optimal L2 Cache. for win NT
New High end generation proccesor have L2 Cache about 256KB or more. if your computer to have , you maybbe want to optimal L2 Cache processor here this step : open file registry windows. then find key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Current ControlSet\Control\SessionManager", then add word DWORD with name SecondLevelDataCache and Write 200.

5. To make NTFS Partition Better.
With nonactive fungtion from Last Acces TIme Stamp. open file registry windows. and find key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem. then make new DWORD With name NtfsDisableLastAccesUpdate and active with write 1.