MAUI Installation in xCAT 2.x

What is MAUI?
Maui Cluster Scheduler (a.k.a. Maui Scheduler) is our first generation cluster scheduler. Maui is an advanced policy engine used to improve the manageability and efficiency of machines ranging from clusters of a few processors to multi-teraflop supercomputers.

Taken and modified from

Step 1: Download the tarball
Step 2: Setup Torque for xCAT
# cd /opt/torque
# ln -s x86_64/bin .
# ln -s x86_64/lib .
# ln -s x86_64/sbin .
# export PATH=$PATH:/opt/torque/x86_64/bin/

Step 3: Setup MAUI
# cd maui-3.2.6p21
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/maui --with-pbs=/opt/torque/
# make -j8
# make install
# cp /opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/add-on/torque/moab /etc/init.d/maui
(Edit /etc/init.d/maui so that all MOAB is MAUI and all moab becomes maui)
# service start maui
# chkconfig --level 345 maui on

Step 4: Configure MAUI
# touch /etc/profile.d/
# vim maui (Type: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/maui/bin)
# source /etc/profile.d/
# vim /usr/local/maui/maui.cfg
Change: RMCFG[] TYPE=PBS@...@ to: RMCFG[] TYPE=PBS
# service maui restart

Now run:
# showq

You should see all of the processors. Next try running a job to make sure that maui picks it up.