New Features of Windows 7

Many people use a Microsoft operating system for their computers. However, many people were very turned off after Vista was introduced. There were numerous problems that made people want to ditch Microsoft. Now Microsoft has released Windows 7 in the hopes of turning around the catastrophe that was Vista. The new Windows 7 has many cool features that everyone will love. A few of the great things Windows 7 personalization features to just plain making computers more user friendly.

Windows 7 is set up to be personalized for the user. You have different choices when deciding what you want. To start off you can either choose from 32 bit or 64 bit. Once you have chosen that you are ready to set up Windows. There are many new desktop themes and even wall papers to choose from. They are designed to meet anyone’s taste. Another way Microsoft has made Windows 7 more personalized for the user is by updating the taskbar. This new system still has the same taskbar; however, you can put programs in specific order so you choose the lineup of programs. This comes in very handy for people who like to have their programs a certain wayr. Rather than having to open them in that order or having to close them because they are not in the proper order, they can just rearrange them to the way they want them to be. Windows has even updated the Gadgets that were introduced with Vista. Now rather than having them stuck in the sidebar, you are free to move them as you choose onto your desktop.

Windows 7 has made using a PC much simpler. One of the biggest changes everyone is talking about is what you can do with the windows you have open, from Snap, Shake and Peek. The Snap feature has everyone excited. This allows you to have multiple windows open for working on at the same time. Before, once you pulled up another window to work on, the previous window was minimized. With the Shake feature, all you have to do when you have multiple windows open is click on the one you want and shake your mouse and the other windows will minimize. This can be quite helpful for focusing on one window. The Peek feature allows you to see what is on your desktop, like hidden icons. If you go to the bottom right of the taskbar it will show you these. Another way of using this feature is to put your muse on the window you want. All other open windows become transparent, allowing you to view that window.

There are many other great features about Windows 7 including the new media center which allows you to watch and listen to media on your computer all throughout your home and jump lists to give you fast access to your favorite programs. These are just a few of the many new features Windows 7 has.

By: Emile Franks