ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2009 Discount Codes

ODTUG has offered discount codes to partners who are participating in the Kaleidoscope 2009 conference as a way to help their customers attend the conference. The codes, which entitle attendees to register for the Kaleidoscope conference at the ODTUG paid member early bird discount rate of $1225, are available from a number of Hyperion partners.

If you want to attend Kaleidoscope, have a Hyperion consulting partner working with you, and want to save some money, call your partner and get the code.

If you are a Hyperion partner and don't yet have a code, contact me and I will direct you to the ODTUG person who can get you your own code to give to your customers.

Finally, if you don't have a relationship with, or know any, other Hyperion partners, Applied OLAP has a code. Send me an email at timtow@appliedolap.com and I will email you our code.

See you in Monterey!