ODTUG Update

I have an update on the ODTUG Conference that I wanted to share with everyone. Edward Roske and I have been working hard on putting together a killer program that will attract people who are interested in learning, in-depth, what there is to know about Essbase. Edward has proposed a session schedule that just blows me away. It will be very unlike the Solutions Conferences over the past few years that really focused on customer success stories along with a moderated dose of 'what has recently shipped'. Rather, this conference will be all technical, period. We hope to get the sessions nailed down this week so we can make the agenda public.

Another thing I like about this conference is that, instead of the traditional golf outings that *used* to be a fixture at Solutions (years ago), this conference has a community service event on Saturday. Although the French Quarter and the Garden Districts of New Orleans have recovered relatively well, much of New Orleans is still reeling from the effects of Katrina. I haven't had the opportunity to get back to New Orleans since flying a couple of AngelFlight missions just after the storm and I look forward to helping again.

If you are an Essbase developer, mark your calendars for June 15-19 for New Orleans. Keep an eye on the website at http://www.odtugkaleidoscope.com/ for upcoming Hyperion announcements.