Off Hours: The Southeast Climbers Coalition Entry in the Pepsi Refresh Challenge

As many of you know, one of my other passions (besides Essbase) is rock climbing.  I have been a member of Southeast Climbers Coalition since it was formed.  Further, a number of other Applied OLAP employees are also climbers and members of the SCC.

This month, the SCC is competing in the Pepsi Refresh Challenge.  Winning this challenge would give the SCC the resources necessary to continue our mission of conservation and access and I am asking for your help.  First, watch the video we entered for the contest:  Then vote for our idea at this site.

On the video, be sure to watch for 2 shots of me and one of Applied OLAP installation guru Derek Hill.   Here is Derek at the 0:05 mark in the video at the first crux of Rave at Sandrock, AL.  Rave is the *only* 5.12 rated climb that I have climbed cleanly.  That rating is the very beginning of the expert level and it took me 6 months of work to get this climb:

I am at the far left of this picture, taken at the Little River Canyon near Ft. Payne, AL, at the 0:41 mark in the video:

I am also in the film of the Yellow Bluff ribbon cutting at 2:19.  Yellow Bluff is 16 miles from my house and I climb there often.  In fact, I was there yesterday.

If you can spare a few minutes, please visit the Pepsi Refresh Challenge site and vote.   You can vote once per day for the next 30 days; you can bet I will be!