Oracle Applications Virtual Tradeshow

There were some excellent sessions presented by Tobin Gilman at the IOUC today.  I have known Tobin since his days at Hyperion and, ironically, he also worked at Intergraph in Huntsville, AL when I worked at Intergraph.

One of the things in his presentation was an ad for a virtual tradeshow where you can see some Hyperion related customer success stories.  The virtual tradeshow will be on Feb 3, 2011.  This event has two sessions on EPM/BI.  At 1 pm eastern, there is is session "Better performance visiblity With Oracle Business Intelligence Applications" featuring a company named Automatic Weapons.  At 1:30 pm eastern, there is a session entitled "Leveraging your ERP Investments with Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Solutions" with General Dynamics.  Is it a bit ironic that both of these companies are defense related entities?