Oracle Open World Trip - Days 1 and 2

I have blogger credentials for Oracle Open World 2010 and thus hope to do at least daily posts.

My trip started earlier in the week with the Oracle ACE Directors meeting at Oracle corporate headquarters. The ACE Directors meeting gives Oracle an opportunity to gather all of the ACE Directors together for a couple of reasons:
  • To communicate upcoming announcements at Open World.
  • Give this group of experts in the Oracle community an opportunity to talk directly with the appropriate Oracle executives to better understand Oracle's direction and to give feedback from the community directly to Oracle management.
Of course, this session was under NDA but there are a couple of things that are very apparent..  First, Oracle is committed to the future of Java (and to it's future as open source) and will make announcements at Open World to show their commitment.  

Second, the Hyperion applications look to me like they will be integrated into WebCenter; Hyperion Financial Close Manager already requires it if I am not mistaken.  WebCenter is essentially the Oracle equivalent of Microsoft Sharepoint and will add good value to the stack.