PC Repair for a Bloated Registry

Windows Registry is one of the most important components of your PC. It stores the details of all software applications and hardware components in your computer. The registry also contains the configuration settings you have set for your PC. Any problem with the registry of your PC can adversely affect the functioning your PC. That is why it is important to ensure that the registry of your PC is in correct working order.

One of the problems that could affect the registry of your PC is a bloated registry. Now you might wonder what a bloated registry is. A bloated registry is when the registry of your PC is filled with unwanted and unnecessary entries, which causes the performance of your PC to be affected. A bloated registry slows down the PC, which often faces General Protection Faults and other system errors.

What causes bloated registry?

Well, when you first purchase a PC, its registry is new and contains only the bare essential entries. However, as you begin to use your PC, the number of entries in the registry of your PC begins to increase. At times, you might want to install third-party software applications. When these applications are uninstalled, their entries in the registry of your PC are not deleted. This same thing happens when you install freeware or trial versions of software applications.

Another reason for a bloated registry is when a software application crashes. These crashes create corrupt, incomplete entries in the registry of your PC. In addition to causing a bloated registry, these entries also prevent you from installing the software application again. Another cause of a bloated registry is when entries are created by malware such a virus, Trojans, and spyware applications.

How to repair bloated registry of your pc?

Now the question is, how you can repair a bloated registry. One obvious way is to manually check the registry of your PC and delete all redundant or corrupt entries from it. But, this method is quite technical and is not recommended unless you’re an expert on the subject. Remember, you can never be sure of whether an entry is required or redundant.

However, there is another, simpler way to repair a bloated registry. You can always use a Registry Cleaner tool manufactured by a reliable company. These tools are quite easily available over the Internet and can be used by downloaded and installed for use. Not only do such tools repair the registry of your PC by removing unnecessary, unwanted entries, they also enable you to defragment and create a backup of the registry of your PC. Some of these tools also help you schedule regular scans to check the registry of your PC and even repair and prevent system errors, including driver, ActiveX, and DLL errors.

If you want an expert to repair your registry, you can consult a pc repair company specializing in online technical support such as Fixit99.com. An online computer repair company offers 24x7 customer support and fixes your pc problems the very same day. You need not worry about the confidential information stored in your pc. This is because, a remote pc repair company uses an advanced software using which they can access your pc, while you can view the entire process. The US based technicians working with online pc repair company ensure that your problem is fixed. If it is not fixed, you won’t be charged even a single penny.