PC Repair Tips on Cleaning Windows Registry

If you frequently you install or uninstall software applications, change or update computer hardware, avoid following proper uninstall procedures, download stuff from the Internet, or change the settings of your PC, it is likely that the registry of your PC will become sluggish, cluttered, and fragmented. This could be very harmful for your computer, especially since Windows Registry is the most important component of your PC. Therefore, it is important to clean your Windows Registry and rid it of errors on a regular basis. Let’s take a look at how you can do this.

Step 1: Create a backup
The first step for cleaning Windows Registry is to create a backup of your registry. This backup is a fallback for if something goes wrong and the registry of your PC crashes. To create a backup, you can simply open your Windows Registry and export everything in the registry to a .REG file. If things don’t go as planned, you can use this file to restore your Windows Registry to its previous state.

Step 2: Install a Registry Cleaner
Since Windows Registry is a pretty complicated database, it isn’t safe to clean it by oneself. This task is usually performed by Registry Cleaners available over the Internet. Available freely over the Internet, Registry Cleaners are very easy to download and install. Additionally, different Registry Cleaners are available for different versions of the Windows Operating System (OS). This variety of versions ensures that you can download the version compatible with the Windows Registry pertaining to the OS used by your PC. So all you need to do is to research the one you want, download it, and then install it.

Step 3: Run a Registry Scan
After downloading a registry cleaner, you need to use it to scan your Windows Registry for errors. The Registry Cleaner will scan the registry based on the options you choose. Usually, Registry cleaners scan the registry for registry holes, outdated and unnecessary entries, orphan entries, embedded keys, malware entries, and other registry errors.

Step 4: Repair the Registry
After your Registry Scanner completes the scan, it generates a list of probable errors in your Windows Registry. This list represents the registry entries that might be outdated, redundant, or corrupt. This list also lists orphan and embedded keys. You can go through each entry in the list to determine whether an entry is required or redundant, freeing up a considerable amount of space in your Windows Registry. Then you can check through the listed entries and delete the ones you think are errors.

Step 5: Restart your PC
After the scan is complete and you’ve removed all erroneous registry entries, you should restart your PC. If your PC throws an error, you can simply restore the registry from the backup you created.

What will you do if something goes wrong or if you were unable to clean your Windows Registry? In such situations, it is important that you seek help of a pc repair expert to oversee these tasks. You can approach a dependable remote computer repair company such as Fixit99.com, which specializes in offering online technical support.
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