Placing user xcat contributed scripted in the xcat directory

This is a continuation of blog entry User Contributed Script ported from xcat 1.x to xcat 2.x

Step 1: Placing addclusteruser in /opt/xcat/sbin
# cd /opt/xcat/sbin 
# wget

Step 2: Placing gensshkeys in /opt/xcat/sbin
# cd /opt/xcat/sbin
# wget

Step 3: Placing shfunctions1 in /opt/xcat/lib
#  cd /opt/xcat/lib
# wget

To add users using addclusteruser
# addclusteruser

I'm assuming you have exported the home directory to other nodes
# pscp /etc/passwd compute:/etc/
# pscp /etc/shadow compute:/etc/
# pscp /etc/group compute:/etc/