Pwn2Own Hacking Contest Safety browser test

VANCOUVER - Safety- an Internet browser is an important factor for each user. One entrance to an attack via the Internet to a computer via the application. All browser makers were competing to develop the security features (security) the best.

But, where is the best browser might be anticipated from the results Pwn2Own Hacking Contest. Annual competition which will be attended by hackers is one independent evidentiary events. Pwn2Own this time it will take 9 to 11 March 2011 in Vancouver, Canada, as part of the CanSecWest conference.

Browsers that hackers will be tested this year there are four that Internet Explorer 8 (Microsoft), Safari 5 (Apple), Chrome 9 (Google), and Firefox 3.6 (Mozilla). Toward the contest that only days away, all the browser makers began to square off in anticipation.

Apple, Mozilla, and Google released a security patch or program patches for security holes made in their respective browsers. Mozilla announced the 10 patches to address the weaknesses in Firefox 3.6 on March 1, 2011 last. Google actually released 19 patches for Chrome 9. Any bug or try to overcome weaknesses in the category of high priority or critical.

Apple has not announced the latest patch. However, according to digital security solutions company Vupen from France, the patch might be released before Pwn2Own progress. No kidding, Apple solve 50 problems in WebKit and also an update for Safari and Mac OS X.

Only Microsoft is cool calm, There's no news that the largest software company plans to release a patch for IE8. On February 8, 2011 then, IE8 was recently updated as part of a massive update by Microsoft. On March 4, 2011 last, security researchers at Microsoft also said it is ready to face the challenges Pwn2Own.

Anyone who would find a weakness to break down one of these browsers, he is entitled to receive cash prizes totaling U.S. $ 15,000 prize provided 125,000 U.S. dollars. They are also entitled to bring home a laptop that is used. Which can break down Chrome, Google's gift to lure additional 20,000 U.S. dollars. Chrome last year was the most secure and can not be uprooted.

All findings of weakness during the contest will become the property of The Tipping Point, the big prize contest sponsors. Participants are also prohibited from revealing their findings to the public. Zero Day Initiative as the organizers will send laporankelemahan to the respective vendors and provide six months to overcome before it was made public.

In addition to testing the four browsers, Pwn2Own also will test the security of four mobile operating system devices. Each Dell Venue Pro with Windows 7, iPhone 4 with IOS, Torch Blackberry 9800 with Blackberry OS 6, and Nexus S with Android.
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