Step 1: At the /etc/fstab, add "usrquota, grpquota" to the partition you wish to put quota on
/dev/sdb1 /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 1
Step 2: Initialise aquota.user
# touch /dev/sdb1/aquota.user
# chmod 600 /dev/sdb1/aquota.user
Step 3: Remount the partition
# mount -o remount /dev/sdb1
# less /etc/mtab
(It should show the list of file system having quota entry in Step 1)
Step 4: Do a Quotacheck commands and turn the quota on
#quotacheck -avugm /dev/sdb1
(The quotacheck command will do a scan and will take a while)
# quotaon -av
# quotatstats
(Check for statistics and possible error encountered)
Step 5: To edit a quota
# edquota -u user_id
(Edit the soft and hard limit respecitvely) or alternatively
# setquota -u user_id 100 200 0 0 -a /dev/sdb1
(where 100 and 200 are the block soft and hard limit respectively)
To quota summary report, do a repquota
# repoquota -a
Further Notes:
For more details readings,
- Implementing Disk Quotas on Linux (
- Linux File System Quotas (Yo Linux)