Strange Error Messages after Access Database Corruption/Damage

Corruption in MS Access database is a nightmare for any user. The outcomes of database corruption are disastrous and leaves the user is difficult scenarios. Corruption in MS Access database can be easily identified by an error message, which pops up at the time of mounting of database. The database records become inaccessible once it receives the error message. An easy way to resolve such error message and access the database records is by restoring it from an updated backup. While almost all database users maintain a regular database backup, there are some who either forget to do so or create a backup at an unsafe location, that results into corruption of backup. In such cases, repairing of corrupt databases can be performed by using an effective access repair application.

Below are two error messages that pop up when you attempt to mount your MS Access database:

“The search string cannot be found”


“Access cannot find the object”

After the above error messages pop up, all the pivot charts and other database components become inaccessible. In addition, these error messages pop up every time you attempt to mount the database.


Corruption in MS Access database, primarily caused due to improper system shutdown, application malfunction, virus attack, and operating system damage.


An easy and systematic resolution for Access database corruption is compacting and repairing. This can be performed by using an inbuilt utility named “Compact and Repair”. The utility gets installed when you install MS Access application. While the utility promises maximum database repair in most cases, there utility fails to repair after a certain level of corruption. In such scenarios, you will need to use a powerful third-party Access Database Repair tool.

Such repair access file tools are self-descriptive and do not require any technical skills to perform database repair. Designed by highly talented data recovery experts, these applications use advanced scanning methods to perform complete and orderly repair. The software avoids overwriting or modification in the original database file, making the tool absolutely safe.