Using glxinfo to diagnose 3D acceleration issues

glxinfo is a command-line tool that can help you diagnose problems with your 3D acceleration setup.

How do we check that our 3D Acclerlation are working, you can use the command.

# glxinfo |grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series
The OpenGL rendering tells you what driver was used in the rendering. It distinuishes between software and hardware rendering.

The article from titled glxinfo provides a good articles on how glxinfo  information canbe interpreted to understand on hardware / indirect / software rendering which will help to understand 3D Acceleration Issues.

For 3D Acceleration performance hardware is the best. The slowest is software obviously. 

If you are using Ubuntu, you can go to the Ubuntu X/Troubleshooting to take a look