What if the system goes to a long pause while Ubuntu installation?

It's a well known fact for those who regularly use Linux. But, more and more people are getting use to Linux and I think this is a much talked about problem at the time of installation What? am I really beating around the bush. Lets get to the point I am talking about the time when we install Ubuntu at the end of the installation process the system takes a long pause.

Is it really a error or this keep on happening all the time. I will say it's not a error, when ever you install Linux at the end it has a long pause, then it suddenly move on with the installation process. Most of the people think that the system is locked . They try reboot the system , which should not be done. It can lead to data loss and effect the previously created partition on the drive. Linux recovery or any other recovery software can only retrieve the data after the OS gets installed properly not before that, so please back up your data before any new installation.

Don't consider it as a problem after a certain amount of halt the system will resume its normal operations. Don't forcefully reboot the system at that time. If done so you will stop the installation process in between and won't find Ubuntu installed.

If already had lost the partition on the drive. Try and reinstall Ubuntu. But, before that run md5sum to check that it wasn't corrupt. Md5sum: is designed to check the data integrity and the authenticity. It verifies that data integrity using the Message Digest Algorithm 5.

Once made sure that every thing is fine reinstall Ubuntu and please avoid above mentioned points and enjoy.