Windows Mobile 7 to debut in February

Microsoft has some catching up to do in the operating system department and this is definitely a good way to make a leap in the right direction.

With Android and the iPhone OS absolutely dominating the market, it was about time that Microsoft showed some initiative with their mobile operating system and today, they did, with Microsoft’s Robbie Bach saying that Windows Mobile 7 would debut at the Mobile World Congress on February 15th.

Debut is different from release, but whatever, I’ll take it.

Bach is also saying that WinMo 7 is also going to push the bar forward operating system wise and according to Bach, not just in an evolutionary sense.


Well, Windows 7 Mobile 6.5 came out mere months ago and nothing changed, so it appears that Microsoft finally knows it needs to get back in the game with something big.

Could Windows Mobile 7 be it?
