What does Means Firewall?

We are going to discuss basically what is firewall? Do you know when you surf the net and browse cool website and whenever play online games, your computer is at risk by the time you are doing all these stuff? Yes. Keep your computer safe while you are doing all these kind of stuff? So here firewall comes to secure your computer from offensive Internet site.

So what is firewall? Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. So all the message entering or leaving the the intranet will pass through the firewall and it examine the message with the security criteria and if it doesn’t meet with the security criteria firewall block that message.

Firewall work likes keeps your house safe from being burned and/or blocks an entry from any unauthorized person. But in more technical way the definition of firewall is a software or hardware designed to filter online information from the web to computer. While you go to a website and you send the information from your computer to Internet. And today several type of firewall techniques available.

1. Packet filter
2. Application gateway
3. Circuit-level gateway
4. Proxy server

So above is the all about firewall in very easiest way. I think by that post you have been better understanding about firewall. So firewall is needed whenever we talking about security co0ncern of our data when we use network.
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