Fix Windows 7 Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD)

Computer errors have become an irritation for so many people now. One of the most common asked questions is how to fix windows 7 blue screen of death (BSOD).

The problem happens when the computer screen becomes blue. All the working computer programs are stopped in between. This error is such a huge problem for people because all the programs stop working. On top of it, any unsaved work is lost forever. Therefore, the users have to do their best to get rid of such blue screen errors.

The Windows 7 blue screen of death can happen due to an overheating of the PC. So, make sure that the fan system of the computer is working properly. In laptops, such cooling is attained through a cooling pad. Also, add some random access memory to the computer can also help to fix windows 7 blue screen of death because this error often appears when the users are using more RAM than the system possesses.

Such use of RAM might be more because the users run multiple programs together. An example of this situation is using several internet files at once along with word documents. So, the computer just halts to recover from such heavy use of RAM by displaying a Windows 7 blue screen error. The addition of RAM can be done through a computer manufacturer or by making use of a USB.

The last and most simple resort to fix the windows 7 BSOD error is making good use of windows registry cleaner software. Since a Windows registry contains commands for carrying the computer functions properly, even improper entries in the windows registry can also be behind such blue screen of death error. Therefore, it is important to clean those corrupt registry files if it contains any error.

Apart from removing the error from the system, windows registry cleaner software can also repair all the other problems of the system and improve the overall performance of the computer. So it is advisable to perform comprehensive scan of system regularly with the help of the registry cleaner. In that case, there is no need to worry about the appearance of any kind of error messages including windows 7 blue screen error anymore.
