Antivirus 7 is a fake rogue security application that can be installed through the use of a Trojan horse parasite. Usually Trojans that install programs such as Antivirus 7 come from other malicious applications that are downloaded from P2P networks or warezprogram pirating web sites.
What Antivirus 7 do?
After the installation of Antivirus 7, a computer user is prompted with virtually endless amounts of popup alerts that falsely warn them of parasite infections. This software will also attempt to scan the system that it is installed on to reveal several fabricated parasite results. These tactics are carried out as part of a scare tactic to force users into purchasing the full Antivirus 7 application.
Removal of Antivirus 7
Getting rid of a software application like this may require an expert computer user if performed manually. Manual removal of Antivirus 7 can be performed but it could put the system at risk of deleting an essential system file needed for Windows to load. Removing registry entries associated with a harmful application can also seriously affect the way the system operates and could render certain functions useless if the wrong entry is deleted.