Improved Bing app for iPhone : Tech Support Explains

If you are a technical geek and loves to move on and make use of new technological apps here is a good news for you. Then iTunes App Store has added another feather to its cap by launching the new and improved Bing apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Based on user feedback, a whole lot of features worth mentioning have been added besides the general bug fixes and tweaks. So, if you are interested take a tour of these new additions with tech support guide.

One of the amazing new features that has been added in the newer version of iPhone and iPod Touch is the option of bookmarking. With this new app you can bookmarks the sites you think important for you. This new app allows you to bookmark not only websites but also directions, maps, search terms and weather. Once bookmarked, you can very easily access them direct from your home screen. Suggest the computer support team.

This new Bing app will allow you search results sharing through email, copying and pasting of URLs, search history editing and viewing and even setting your phone’s location. Another excellent addition that the parents will surely appreciate is the option of parental control setting. With this feature you can set the ‘SafeSearch’ option and can lock it with passcode so that it can’t be changed by anyone.

One more good new for 1st generation iPod Touches users. The Bing app supports the older versions so even if you are using the older version you can make use of these new features on your mobile devices, explain the tech support experts.