When you take a look at Microsoft’s great empire it has separate divisions for business, entertainment and services. And they manufacture different products under different division.
As under service division Microsoft Windows is the main product and since introduction it has been released in various versions. Windows 2003, XP, 2007, Vista are few versions from the pool.
In business division, Microsoft Office is a business line of product that gives every reason to cheers. It is a complete software that comes in a package for offices that constitutes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and many more.
Besides all these, Microsoft also provides support for their products. By simply clicking on Microsoft support you can get instant support for any product. Apart from that, you can also solicit services from various tech support firms that provide support for simple problem that are neck breaking.
If you have no time to call a technician at home then you can go for online support which is fast and you get solution of your problem in no time. Apart from that you can also go for remote support which is a unique way to get the solution.