How can that be? "If your CFO is having a problem with his computer," said Joel Bomgar, the company's founder and CEO, "you have two options: A tech support representative could physically walk into the CFO's office, sit at his computer for a couple of hours and leave with the problem fixed. Or that same support tech can connect to the CFO's computer remotely, using Bomgar's remote desktop control software, do all the same things they could do while physically sitting at the PC, and disconnect two hours later with the problem fixed."
What's the difference? "The big difference here is that while the support tech was sitting in the CFO's chair for two hours, he could see everything on the CFO's desk, could open and close any applications, and could look at all the spreadsheets of the company financial reports," said Bomgar. "And there is no audit trail log or session data related to what actually happened."
With Bomgar's remote desktop control software, on the other hand, authentication procedures prevent anyone from freely accessing files in the CFO's PC unless they have been granted specific permissions and have the appropriate user name and password. Also, every application they run, every window they open, every action and interaction on the PC is recorded as a full video session. If there's ever a question as to what happened in that two hours, the recording can be played and all the information is available.