Tech Support to Make Vista Look Like XP

You might be facing a trouble in accessing your shiny computer with Vista operating system installed within. The problems arise especially when you are been using XP for years. You are not alone; many people face the same issue while trying to get accustomed with the new user interface. May be this is due to sluggish performance of Vista or users can not find the things in place where they used to be. Don’t get disappointed; computer support technicians have the solution to please you!

You can turn your Vista to something that highly resembles your old Windows XP with tech support assistance. The tech support technicians available online will ask you to right click on the Vista desktop first and then go to the Personalize option. Now you need to hit the Theme and select Windows Classis from the drop down box. Also you can personalize the desktop back ground and mouse pointer according to your preference. Go the Change Desktop Icon link to change the whole interface and make your Vista look much like your beloved XP.