Ubuntu 9.04 Named Jaunty Jackalope!

Yeah, they have done it again. Ubuntu 9.04 (which will come out in April next year) has been named Jaunty Jackalope. I must say Ubuntu may be the best Linux distro, but don't call them to name your first-born kid!
Seriously! The name sucks!
I was hoping for Jolly Jackal, but as always Ubuntu devs beat me to a stupid name. I was hoping Ibex would be named 'Ignorant Iguana'.
Ubuntu devs broke one tradition though. Jackalope isn't a real animal.


According to Wikipedia

"The jackalope — also called an antelabbit, aunt benny, Wyoming thistled hare or stagbunny — infolklore is said to be a cross between a jackrabbit and an antelope (hence the name), goat, or deer, and is usually portrayed as a rabbit with antlers."

