I love Opera Mini browser, it is the best way to browse internet on your cellphone. I had found a tutorial which showed how to use Opera Mini on Windows. I tried to run Opera Mini on Ubuntu. It has been a lifesaver. Thanks to the heavy compression done by Opera Mini servers pages load within one second. This makes Opera Mini very useful for those on slow internet connection.When my internet speed dips, say when I am downloading softwares etc I use Opera Mini. I love Opera Mini on Ubuntu.
So here is how you can run Opera Mini on your Ubuntu (or any other Linux distro):
Downloading and installing the software you need:
- go to http://microemu.org/
- download the latest release (you can pick the snapshot as well, doesn't really matter)
- unzip the archive on your PC
- Download the Opera Mini .jar and .jad files from operamini.com
- Install Java. Go to Applications > Add/ Remove and now type java in the search box. You will find two packages OpenJDK Java Runtime and OpenJDK Java 6 Webstart. Click on them and install them by clicking on Apply Changes. It will take some time as these packages are about 30 MB in size.
Starting and configuring the software:
- Navigate to the folder where you have extracted the microemulator file. Now locate the file 'microemulator.jar', right click it and select 'Open With' tab now click on the Add button, a new window will pop out clcik on 'Use a Custom Command' now paste this thing in it: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java -jar . Double-click "microemulator.jar" to run it.
- go to "Options > Select device", click "Add...", navigate to "microemulator\devices" and select "microemu-device-resizable.jar"
- select the "Resizable device" profile you just added and click "Set as default"
- click the "Resize" button in lower right to set the size you want
- go to "File > Open JAD" and choose the Opera Mini jad you previously downloaded
- "Opera Mini" now appears in the list of apps you can start, click the "Start" button to launch it
1. Go to System > Preferences > Main Menu
Navigate to Internet submenu and clcik on 'New Item'. Here fill in the proper details like this:
Type: Application
Name: Opera Mini
Command: This is very important!!!
First copy this in the box:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java -jar
Now navigate to the folder where you have extracted the microemulator.jar and right click on it. Select Properties. In the Basic tab you will find location, copy it and then paste it after the above given command in the box like this:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java -jar /media/sda3/Software/Opera/microemulator-2.0.2
there should be one space between the two commands.Here is a screenshot:
You can now browse the web using Opera Mini on your Ubuntu.