Continuation from part 1
Networking Tab
The 'Networking' tab provides a visual representation of the amount of data that your network connections are transmitting and receiving over time. Note that the percentages quoted are of the maximum possible capacity under ideal circumstances, and do not take other factors into consideration, such as the amount of Internet bandwidth that is available on your connection.

Users Tab
The final tab may not be available on your version of Windows. It lists all users that that have recently logged on to Windows. You can use this page to force other users disconnect or log-off if you have sufficient access rights. The disconnect option is available if the user is accessing your machine across a network, the log-off option is available if they are locally logged on to your computer.

The 'Users' tab also has an option to send a message to other users. If they are connected to your PC over a network you can message them to warn them if you have to reboot; however, this function may require certain services to be activated on their machine. Alternatively, you can use it to message other users of the same PC, as demonstrated in the following images. This is a more environmentally friendly alternative to sticky paper notes. To use this facility, highlight the user you wish to send a message to and click the - wait for it - 'Send Message...' button.

Time for bed
The final facility in the Task Manager that I am going to review is the 'Shut Down' menu. Which offers the usual selection of features for logging off, rebooting, and powering down the PC.