ultramon 3.0.6 Supports Windows 7

ultramon 3.0.6 beta is now available for download and support for Windows 7.
Installed and working no problem. Its taskbar looking proper and Its icons is well.
Using the Windows 7 or Windows 7 Basic themes,ultramon window buttons can work now.To enable them again under UltraMon Options > Buttons and Menu Commands.
If you prefer to use Windows 7's support for dragging maximized windows, you can disable the feature under UltraMon Options > General.

Downloads ultramon 3.0.6 here:
For 32-bit Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000: UltraMon_3.0.6_en_x32.msi 2.48

MBFor 64-bit Windows 7/Vista/XP: UltraMon_3.0.6_en_x64.msi 3.14 MB