Can't send attachments in Outlook and you are using Trend Micro? Try this:
1. Click on Start (XP); Windows orb (Vista).
2. Click on My Computer (XP); Computer (Vista).
3. Open C:
4. Open Program Files.
5. Open Trend Micro.
6. Open Internet Security.
7. Find and open tissuprt.exe, it's an icon that looks like a lifesaver.
8. Under the General tab, click on Quit All Components.
9. Click on Start All Components.
10. Rename the TmphHttp.dll to TmphHttp-backup.dll in C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Internet Security
11. Download and extract the from this link: Password to extract the file: novirus
12. Copy TmphHttp.dll to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Internet Security
13. Open tissuprt.exe then click on Start All Components.
14. Open the Trend Micro Internet Security main console.
15. Click on Virus and Spyware Controls on the left panel.
16. Click on Protection Against Viruses and Spyware then click Settings.
17. Uncheck Threats in Web mail attachments.
18. Click the OK button twice.
Now open your Outlook
1. Start Outlook
2. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
3. Click on the Mail tab.
4. Select your POP3 account and then click Properties.
5. Click on the Advanced tab.
6. Gradually increase the server timeout setting until the problem is resolved.
If the above link fails to work try this one: 345 KB
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