Faster Window Switching
Disabling the Minimize-Maximize animation effects can significantly make your system run a lot faster. Disabling is pretty simple:
STEP 1. Click Start and type in ‘SystemPropertiesPerformance‘.
STEP 2. Navigate the Visual Effects tab.
STEP 3. Uncheck ‘Animate Windows when minimizing and maximizing’ and click on OK.
Speedup Windows 7 Boot Times
By default Windows 7 uses one core of CPU to boot. You can increase the number of cores and decrease the boot time which allows your system to boot faster than normal speed.
STEP 1. Click on Start and navigate to ‘Run’ menu.
STEP 2. Type ‘MSCONFIG’ in the text box.
STEP 3. Click on the ‘Boot’ tab and navigate to ‘Advanced’ options.
STEP 4. Ensure number of CPU cores and enter how many your processor has (generally 2, 4, and 

STEP 5. Click OK and Apply. Reboot the system.
Remove Unwanted Fonts
Fonts normally use a lot of system resources, mainly TrueType fonts. For speed up Windows 7, remove unnecessary fonts and use only those that applications may require.
STEP 1. Launch Control Panel window.
STEP 2. Open Fonts folder.
STEP 3. Move unwanted fonts to a temporary folder just in case to use it later. The more fonts you uninstall, the maximum performance you will gain.
Speed Up Windows 7 Shutdown Time
Windows 7 shutdowns a lot faster than Vista or XP, but it can be increased further by making this simple registry change which cut the time Windows waits to kill processes:
STEP 1. Click on Start and type in’ regedit’ and press Enter key.
STEP 2. Locate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurentControlSetControl.
STEP 3. Right-Click WaitTOKILLServiceTimeOut and change the default value to any number from 12 second to 1 second.
Free-up Disk Space
The Disk Cleanup tool allows you to remove unnecessary files & free up space on your hard drive to speed up Windows 7 performance. The utility scans temporary files that you can easily remove.
STEP 1. Click Start, navigate to All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. If several drives are available on your computer, you might be prompted to determine which drive you would prefer to clean.
STEP 2. When Disk Cleanup has calculated how much space you can free, in the Disk Cleanup for dialog box, scroll through to see the list of the files to remove.
STEP 3. Clear the check boxes for files that you don’t want to remove, and then click OK.
STEP 4. Click on Yes when prompted to confirm that you want to delete the specified files.
Use Disk Defragment Tool
Disk Defragmenter is a built-in in Microsoft Windows operating systems that rearrange fragmented files and folders on hard drive so that it quickly accessible.
STEP 1. Click Start-> All Programs-> Accessories->System Tools->Disk Defragmenter.
STEP 2. In the Disk Defragmenter window, choose the drives that you want to defragment, and then click the Analyze button. Once the disk is analyzed, a dialog box appears, indicating you whether you should defragment the analyzed drives or not.
Tip: You must analyze a partition before defragmenting it to get an estimate of how much time the defragmentation process will roughly take.
STEP 3. To defragment the selected drive or drives, click the Defragment disk button. In the Current status area, under the Progress column, you can check the process as it happens. Once it’s complete, Disk Defragmenter shows the results.