Fixing iTunes Error on iPhone 4

Panic may, but must keep cool heads. 
1013/1611 error bug reported repeatedly by the user's iPhone 4 that it would mengudapte IOS to version 4.2.1. It's okay to use different computers, who knows succeed. However, gopegodotcom have way more potent for iPhone 4 you can seamlessly go up to the IOS 4.2.1.

Warning: This will create a baseband iPhone 4 you automatically updated to the latest version. Do with your own risk.

Mac OS X:
1. Jump to the folder "Application"
2. Navigate to the folder "Utilities"
3. Launch "Terminal"
4. Type: "sudo nano / etc / hosts" (without the quotes) and press Enter
5. Enter your password
6. Direct search entry "". Add a sign or hash mark # to a position at the front line where "" is located.
For example: if the line like this: "" then add will be like this: "#"
The addition is of course without quotes 

* # This function to disable the command in that line. iTunes will not check the server "" while updating / restoring the IOS 4.2.1. Checking the server that is causing the error 1013/1611 because of tight security on Apple servers plus Crowded his server.

7. Save the file "hosts" with CONTROL + O.
8. Please restore and update your iPhone 4 with calm.

1. Start> Programs> Accessories
2. Run Notepad or Wordpad
3. Click "Open" from the File menu
4. Navigate to Windows/System32/drivers/etc
5. In the option "files of type:" select "All Documents"
6. Open the file "hosts". How much simpler is the facility "Search" files / folders in Windows. Type "hosts" and Windows you will find a file it for you.
7. Delete the line where "" is located. If still worried, you should try to step into-6 for Mac OS X.
8. Save the file "hosts".
9. Please restore and update your iPhone 4 with calm.

Good luck.