Horizontal screen switching method Android emulator

Many users do not purchase real machine does not know how to switch to a horizontal screen display Android emulator. Conventional display HVGA-P (port), that a resolution of 320x480 If you use the horizontal screen (land). If the simulator has not yet started the project in the Eclipse Run as => Open Run Dialog dialog box, set, if the android emulator has started, you can use the shortcut key F12 or Ctrl + F11 to switch. Of course, just start the emulator using the command line you can use the parameters emulator.exe-skin HVGA-L to start.
Note that android123 remind you that you can switch the land or port interface resource file to make adaptive form, but the program may be overloaded onCreate, the method can avoid the file in the androidmanifest.xml redefine the direction of, and according to Activity rewrite onConfigurationChanged (Configuration newConfig) to control, related to the Android SDK to get to.