Speed ​​up the startup speed of Android emulator?

In fact, the products use virtualization in performance or a great discount, many users find that with each firmware update Android, SDK function to increase boot speed more slowly, from the early m3 version 1.5 SDK to today's almost a full 3 times slower, in fact, this is a normal thing, SDK volume to 160MB from 55MB or so, the load at startup components is also increasing.
Currently i give you the following suggestions:
1. If used directly in the development of Linux, VMWare virtual machines that run inside, every time when you close the development environment can save a snapshot, so that Linux can run under Windows, but also some of the procedures, more convenient.
2. Using software RAID 0 or RAMDISK to improve the system's I / O performance.
3. If you use the Windows operating system as a development environment, in fact, the first run when the Android emulator system has been in the C drive there under the current login account cache.
4. Regular use-wipe-data parameter to start the emulator to reset the simulator data.
5. You can use the Android Developer Network will provide a set of secondary synchronization software to do to accelerate, while using the real machine as compared emulator debugging more efficient, higher speed.