IPAD and Accessories Mandatory For Photographers

iPad iPad 2 has been released and one was down at $ 100 for each model. iPad one referred to as the best friend for photographers, as well as the iPad 2, which certainly has more features than its predecessor.

The absence of integrated card reader & USB on Apple's tablet was indeed greatly affect the comfort of the work of the photographer. Fortunately, Apple provides Camera Connection Kit that is able to support IPAD with 2 dongles: Camera Connector and SD Card Reader.

But professional photographers who use Canon 5D Mark II or Nikon D3s, they still need a CF card reader.

CF cards are dutujukan for professional photographers. With a CF card reader embedded in the iPad, the photographer can do a preview of the photos high resolution wide screen iPad. It also can be a backup when doing a preview.

Working with a laptop probably could have done, but for some reason work using the iPad would give its own convenience. Backups and file transfers can be done very quickly in the IPAD 2.

How do I use the CF card slot? Living just plug in connector ports that are on the iPad. CF card slot is indeed more fitting used on the iPad 2 with IOS 4.3. For the USB port, it should be noted device that you connect with IPAD and require more power than 20mA will not be executed. As for the CF card slot, compatible with all UDMA and non-UDMA CF cards. Also can read / write at speed upto 133MB / s.

Micgadget do the test on CF card slot by using a memory card 4GB Sandisk Ultra CF (30MB / s). SanDisk is load the file:
- 3 photos (21 megapixels, JPEG, total: 13.6MB)
- 5 videos (1080/24p, total: 590MB)
* all taken using a Canon 5D Mark II camera.

Transfer process took place very quickly. Thumbnails of the video is also displayed so that it can see what files are being transferred.

 After the process of importing images and videos is done, there is one thing that should be observed. iPad not support Canon 5D Mark II video so the video could not be played on the wide screen iPad. This fact seems indeed very disappointing for professional filmmakers. The rest, all photos transferred correctly and well maintained image quality.

Furthermore, the photographer must have is a 3-in-1 Camera Connection Kit. This product has been there years ago and is a remarkable finding for the iPad. It is small but has the complete functions to be able to connect your USB, SD and Micro SD cards. Support support iPad iPad 1 and 2 without a problem.

This product is not experiencing problems when used with IOS 4.3. Owner iPad one still can use it as well as the owner of the iPad 2. 3-in-1 Camera Connection Kit is available in 2 colors: black and white.