MilliOn CluEs Survey No. 001

Million Clues is entering into a whole new area. Its first survey is here.
To participate in this survey, all you have to do is answer the following three simple questions.

1. Which is Your Favorite Email Service. ( Answers Can be.. Gmail , Yahoo mail, Rediffmail etc. )
2. Which is Your Favorite Search Engine ( Answers Can be.. Google, Yahoo Search, Windows Live etc. )
3. Which is Your Favorite Online Community ( Answers Can be.. Orkut, Hi5, Tagged etc. )

Here are some sample answers:
1. Gmail. 2. Google. 3. Orkut
Gmail - Yahoo Search - Orkut
Gmail, Google, Tagged

You can post your Answers here ( as Comment ) or send it to me via the Instant Mailer on the Sidebar ( On Main Page ). You can also mail them to me at

Suvey Start Date : 06 January 2007
Survey Ends On : 14 February 2007

To See the survey results visit this page on a later date or Subscribe to my Blog and get whole articles in your inbox.

Come and Be a Part of it.