Open Registry Locations from the Clipboard

On several Windows tips sites (like this modest blog), there are Registry keys listed. A fast way to navigate to them is by using RegJump from Sysinternals or Nirsoft RegScanner (the latter is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions). Combined with a little AutoHotkey scripting, it's an easy way to open registry locations from web pages:

; AutoHotkey script fragment follows

+^g:: ; press Shift-Ctrl g to activate
 clipback := ClipboardAll
 clipboard =
 Send ^c
 StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, `r, , All ; removes carriage returns from copied text
 StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, `n, , All ; removes line breaks from copied text
 StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, %A_Space%, , All ; removes spaces from copied text
 Run, "path_to_regscanner\RegScanner.exe" /clipregedit
 clipboard := clipback
 clipback =