there are two conditions :
1. you have only administrator account.
2. administrator and user accounts.
In first case if you forgot the administrator password
so insert the original/non unattended installation disc of windows xp into
your cd/dvd drive
1. go to bios and select cd/dvd drive as your first boot device.
2. when "press any key to boot from cd..." appears press any key from your keyboard.
3. Gui mode will appear in blue screen leave it untill it completely stops.
4. it should shot "c=continue, r=repair, Enter=install" press "c".
5. press F8 to "i agree".
6. after pressing this key press "r" to repair after choose your drive mine is c:\
7. then installation will be in progress.
8. after copying the files your computer will restart.
9. into the progress bar when prompted "intalling devices" press "shift+F10"
10.in next step type "nusrmgr" according to the next promt you can reset your administrator
11. after completing all processes you will be able to access your administrator account.
In second case you have administrator and user account both
So is more easier than above process go to safe mode with your administrator account
and remove password by using user accounts in control panel and you have done.