Services You Should Disable If You Aren't on a Microsoft Network

These being disabled won't affect Internet usage, but you won't be able to do Microsoft networking stuff. For me, those features are more of a liability than a help. Some are disabled by default, because even Microsoft has determined that they are risky.

  • Alerter
  • ClipBook
  • Computer Browser
  • Distributed File System
  • Distributed Link Tracking Client
  • Messenger
  • Net Logon
  • Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
  • Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
  • Network DDE
  • Network DDE DSDM
  • Remote Registry
  • Server (and uncheck Client for Microsoft Networks and File and Printer Sharing in your network connection properties)
  • TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper (and disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP in your network connection TCP/IP properties)
  • Telnet
  • Terminal Services Session Directory
Others that you might want to disable but might not apply to you:
  • Distributed Link Tracking Server
  • Error Reporting Service
  • IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service (unnecessary if you have burning software, I believe)
  • Indexing Service
  • Intersite Messaging
  • Kerberos Key Distribution Center
  • License Logging
  • Network Provisioning Service
  • Performance Logs and Alerts
  • Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
  • Routing and Remote Access
  • Smart Card
  • WebClient
Be smart and do research before you muck too much with this stuff. I recommend Turbo Services Manager so that you can see what depends on what. If you disable one service, you should disable all the services that depend on it, but if doing so would disable something you should keep, don't disable that first service in the first place!