Understanding Bluetooth

Bluetooth technology is a low power consuming , short range communication technique which was initially built to remove the cables that are used to connect periferals to a central system and provide users with a very cost effective, secure and convinient method of data transfer. The application of bluetooth is in the Personal Area Networks ( PANs ). Bluetooth technology removes the mess in connecting a whole lot of components and provides a wireless, omni-directional connectivity with the host system.

The name ' bluetooth ' has got a history. There was a king in Denmark named Harald Blatand. Upon eating a lot of blue berries his teeth turned blue. So people called him king bluetooth. He was known for his ability to get people to talk to each other. It was in his time Denmark and Norway united. Hence the developers of bluetooth gave this technology this name as it is a medium to communicate with neighbouring devices.

Know Bluetooth in detal.

It is a wirefree short-range communication medium which gives the devices mobility and convinience of use.

It has become a worldwide standard.

It has got a wide range of adaptability. These days every gadget that is available is bluetooth enabled.

It does not require any kind of software installation.

It is secure and user friendly.

It operates in the unlicenced ISM ( Industrial, Scientific, Medical ) radio band of 2.4 GHz.

There is no operational cost .

It is so secure with 128 bit encryption, hoping and PIN code authentication

It does not require line of sight contact and is hence omni directional.

It is used for communication with in 100 metres of distance in the industry level and 10 metres of distance for personal use.

It can cross obstacles on its path like a wall...

A bluetooth enabled device can make simultaneous connections with upto 7 devices.
