Use Gmail with Keyboard Shortcuts

Gmail has got shortcuts in it like we have in yahoo. This feature often goes unnoticed because it is not enabled by default. ( I found it only last week ! So is my father ).

To enable shortcuts go to settings. In the general settings ( the very first page ) turn keyboard shortcuts on. Now save the settings. Back in the inbox you will find a ' > ' waiting before the last mail you read. This is the indication of which mail you are pointing to.

Here are the basic shortcuts :
While in the inbox or while reading a mail these will work. Remember while you are entering text shortcuts will be counted as text inputs.

c   - Compose
Shift + c   - Compose in a new window
j   - Older mail ( the arrow > moves down while you are in the inbox )
k   - Newer mail
enter or o   - Open mail
/   - To place the curser in the search box
u   - Back ( Like Back to Inbox or Back To Contacts )
r   - Reply
f   - Forward

gi ( g followed by i pressed in sequence )
   - Go to inbox
gd   - Go to drafts
gs   - Go to sent mail
gc   - Go to contacts

For the complete list of shortcuts see the learn more button just near the ' turn keyboard shortcut on ' option in gmail settings.
