When Your Mobile Gets Wet

A mobile is a gadget which is often put to rough use. Owing to its cheap prices and wide range of functions, the users never care about its existance unless an emergencey occurs i.e when the time come to take your phone to the service station. But a little care at the right time can save a lot of bucks of your pocket.
Getting a mobile wet, be either when you go out in the rain or most commmonly dropping it to water, is something which we come across daily. Most of the mobile phones do not have any problem even if it get wet, provided there is no short circuiting. So here is what to do when your mobile get wet.

Immediately remove it from water.
Then switch it off.
Open the case and remove the battery. Also remove your sim.
Dis-assemble the removeable parts like the case and let it open seomwhere under the fan, so that it can dry.
Do not switch it on. First take it to a service station. If you can take it there with in an hour or two, its really good. Then nothing is gonna be wrong. The earlist the more better.

Dont's :
Do not keep the phone in a microwave or near a heater thinking that it would get dry soon.
Do not make a phone call or try to work with a wet mobile.
Do not try to open the internal parts of the phone, unless you are trained to do so.
Do not immerse the mobile in water, purposefully.

And take care not to drop your mobile phone in to water. Always prevention is better than cure.
