Access Database Become Inaccessible On Reaching 2 GB Threshold

Microsoft Access database files (both MDB and ACCDB) have a size limitation of 2 GB. When a database file exceeds the size limit, you can not run query on the database, or add new data to the database, or access the database. The database may get damaged in such circumstances, and you may come across data loss. In order to work around this behavior, you need to use access repair Software.

In a practical scenario, you may receive the below error message when you run make-table query, append query, or import the data in large MS Access database file:

“Invalid argument.”

After this problem, you can not perform any operation on the database. The database becomes completely unusable and you can not access the data from it. To get your valuable data back, you have to Repair Access database.

Root of the problem

This behavior occurs when Access database's size approaches 2 GB size limit. Microsoft Access (all versions) does not allow you to create a database larger than 2 GB. It not only includes data, but also reports, forms, stored procedures, macros, etc. Increased size of the database may damage it.


To sort out this issue, you need to reduce database size. You can reduce the database size by compacting it with Compact and Repair Database tool. Go through the below steps to do so:

Start Microsoft Access.
Select Compact and Repair Database option from Database Utilities on Tools menu.
Select the database that you need to compact in Database to Compact From dialog box, and click Compact.
Select name for compacted MDB or ACCDB file in Compact Database Into dialog box.
Click Save button.

You can also solve this behavior by splitting database into multiple databases. It is possible with 'Database Splitter Wizard' of Microsoft Access application.

If the above methods do not help you fix the problem, because the database is corrupted, restore Access database from the most recent backup. But, in case of unavailability of the backup, access database repair is required to repair and restore the database.

You can efficiently repair the database using third-party Access Repair software. The repair applications ensure absolute and easy recovery in all cases of database corruption as they have interactive and self-descriptive user interface.

access database recovery is the best Access recovery software ever made. It repairs and restores damaged MDB and ACCDB files of Microsoft Access 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP), and 2000. The software restores all damaged Access database objects, such as reports, forms, tables, data types, and constraints.