What to do if you face error “ Windows failed to start” in Windows Vista

The following error displays when starting the computer with Windows Vista:
"Windows Error Recovery: Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."
The computer may restart to this same error after selecting "Start Windows Normally".

Analyzing the cause of the Error:

1.Has the error occurred while setting up a new Computer. Has the error occurred after recovering the computer. If any of these cases has caused the error then in that case you need to select the Launch Start Repair. It will let windows to repair it's files. You can select the option from the error screen.
2.Even then if the problem persists then in that case you need to start the system recovery. Reset the computer to it's original configuration. Once done with it complete the system setup and look out for all the icons as well as the side bar items every thing should be in the right place. Now shut down the computer.
3.Once the computer is restarted and the problem still persist there then you may take the below mentioned steps. This will help you recover the Windows desktop.
4.Remove the hardware that you have recently added:

Follow these steps to remove the recently added hardware.

1.Switch off the system & unplug the power cable from the system
2.The next step should be to unplug all the peripherals those are not at all required or necessary like network cable, zip drive, scanner etc.
3.Now press the power button on the system for around 5 seconds and then release it.
4. Now plug in the power cord.
5. Turn on the system
6. The monitor will show the message again you need to let the timer to get over.
7. If the error reflects again on the system skip to the next step.
8. If the system successfully restarts and gets to the Windows desktop, you need to plug any of the unplugged device and wait till Windows recognizes it
Continue to connect the devices to the computer, you need to restart the system each time you connect a new hardware, you need to do this till the time the hardware that is causing the error is not recognized. It is not recommended to use the device that has caused error , any more.

How to restore the system with system restore

  • Turn off the system
  • Now remove all the devices from the system except the mouse, keyboard and monitor
  • Now turn on the system once again and when you see the logo screen you need to press the F8 key multiple times.
  • You will see a Windows start up screen.

Now using the arrow keys select the Safe Mode with Command Prompt and press enter.

If still you see the error message the next step you need to perform is system recovery.
When you see the logon screen , select the administrator, now enetr the password if prompted to.
Now the command window will appear, enter the following command.
cd \windows\system32\restore
Once the new prompt appears enter rstrui
System restore screen will now open in front of you.
That screen will have several option s and steps you need to follow to recover the system to the earlier state.
Now try to the restart the system and even then if the problem persists you need to perform a recovery of the system that too with a data recovery software.
For any sort of the CD DVD corruption you can opt for CD recovery software.