Firefox begins Showing Signs of Windows 7 Integration

Some time ago the Mozilla developers gave us a taste of what it had coming to us with your version of Firefox 3.7.

With Firefox 3.7 aims to better integrate into Windows PCs by using Aero effects, and clean interface extraneous elements. While this has raised some criticism, with people calling out for copying Chrome, Mozilla developers stated the obvious, both Chrome and Firefox are browsers, and is expected to perform the same task, it is natural that they share some roads common in evolution.

Now Firefox is starting to show some of the signs in their evolutionary path, and those brave enough to download the latest version of your browser and more nocturnal now can test for themselves.

With Windows 7 Firefox, you can download and test the latest version using the nightlies, which is essentially the equivalent of getting the latest development in the face! The only way to get an even newer version is download the source code, since changes and build for himself.

Some of the updates to the view that come in the way of Firefox 3.7 have already started. You can now hide the Firefox menu bar to save screen space, and instead only have to show when you press the "Alt", like Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer. Combined with the "Use small icons" option in the Firefox toolbar, you can now have that minimalist look today.

By entering "about: config "in your browser address bar, you can access many of the hidden features of Firefox that have not been exposed in the UI otherwise. After the opening" about: config "in a browser tab, you can go about setting skip lists and worksheet provided in Windows.

* First, if you have the latest version, get the Firefox nightly build "minefield" here.
* Open "about: config"
* Ignore the warning, know what we're doing (we think)
* In the filter text, type "task"
* Here you are now the options to:
or set the cache time sheet provided
+ Browser.taskbar.previews.cachetime
or activate / deactivate the jump lists
+ Browser.taskbar.lists.enabled
or enable / disable items are displayed frequent
+ Browser.taskbar.lists.frequent.enabled
change or how many "common" items are displayed
+ Browser.taskbar.lists.maxListItemCount
or enable / disable showing of "recent" documents
+ Browser.taskbar.lists.recent.enabled
or enable / disable tasks showing
+ Browser.taskbar.lists.tasks.enabled
or turn on / off set tab displays in the taskbar (to disable the old way through the information management Firefox only)
+ Browser.taskbar.previews.enable
or set tabs how many should be opened before they stop showing previews
+ Browser.taskbar.previews.max

Further integration with the Windows environment including, support for Windows 7 jumplists, and showing here in the taskbar.
For those who somehow missed the news on Windows 7, application that supports the feature, can now show your chips directly in the Windows taskbar, which lets you manage the information directly from Windows. On a personal note, I hate this feature, windows applications added tabs to reduce clutter in the Windows taskbar and now find a way to go in and show them anyway! To be fair administration of Windows is much improved over time, especially with Windows 7, however, for someone with as much as 30 to 50 tabs open at any given time, provided tab will not be of much use.

However, I understand how this can be useful for some or many, so in this case I think the best feature is the possibility of the option to choose whether or not the one shown here!

That's not all though, the Firefox nightlies has much to offer, here are some more new features:

* Support for new topics lightweight. Essentially, support for "People" without installing the add-persons. You can check out items here. Note that simply shift from one topic to prove it! This is very similar to support the simplistic theme of chromium 3.

* A new page load indicator of progress in the form of a pie chart in the location where you often see the icon of the website.