How to optimize or reset Internet Explorer 7

Configuration settings in Windows Internet Explorer 7 may cause one or more of the following issues:

* You experience performance problems in Internet Explorer 7.
* You receive an error message in Internet Explorer 7. For example, you receive an "Internet Explorer cannot display the Web page" error message.
* Internet Explorer 7 stops responding.

This Post describes Internet Explorer support how to optimize or reset Internet Explorer 7 in Windows Vista to resolve these issues.

Method 1: Clear cached data in Internet Explorer 7
To determine whether a performance issue or an error message is caused by corruption in the temporary Internet files or in other cached information that is used by Internet Explorer 7, you must clear cached data. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open Internet Explorer 7.
2. Click Tools, and then click Delete Browsing History.
3. In Delete Browsing History, click Delete All.
4. Click to select the Also delete files and settings stored by add-ons check box, and then click OK.

A progress bar is displayed to indicate that the browsing history is being cleared. After this process is complete, test Internet Explorer to verify that it works correctly. If issues still occur, try Method 2.

Method 2: Reset security settings for Internet Explorer 7
If you configure security settings to be too restrictive, you may prevent Internet Explorer 7 from displaying certain Web sites. To determine whether an issue is caused by overly restrictive security settings, revert to default security settings. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open Internet Explorer 7.
2. Click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
3. Click the Security tab.
4. Click Reset all zones to default level, and then click OK.

After you do this, test Internet Explorer to verify that it works correctly.