How to Speed Up Mac Computers for Free

speed up mac
It can be any of us facing this problem, your Mac might not be working as fast as you would like it to be. When you will consult your friends in regards to this they all will suggest you to upgrade your Mac. This might be true in some of the cases but what if in case you don't want to spend money and get the your Mac running fine at the same time. In that scenario you won't be impressed by your friends suggestions.

But, here I have the solution to Speed Up Mac that you would not have spend a penny in upgrading your Mac and it will work fast as you might have expected it to. You just need a Mac that is running slow, but obviously and two hours of time. I think that you can spend. Make sure to book mark this articles so that next time your friends ask how did you manage to make your Mac rum absolutely fine without spending a penny you can guide them too.

Steps to follow:
  • You need to Open the built in utility on your Mac. To do this Open your Hard drive then move on to the "Applications" then "Utilities."
  • Now run “disk utility” select the hard drive and click "Repair Disk Permissions". If you have two hard disk you need to repeat the process for the second one too.
  • Don't forget to run the Repair Disk Permissions on the second one.
  • You are done with it. Restart the system and you will see the difference.

Wasn't that easy. Yes, this would take some time but it will save you from the expenses. If in case you don't want to get in to technicalities you can just go for Speed Up Mac software. This will help you speeding up your mac and deleting unwanted files too.