Protect Your Data Before You Get The Worst Surprise Of Your Life

Mega SurpriseImage via Wikipedia
Just another day, doing as you always do with your computer. Create documents, working on your finances, updating your family website or making your home or business online. Suddenly, strange errors start appearing, the computer makes loud scratching sounds and then nothing.

Often this is the main storage of your information, family photos, work related files, favorite mp3s and other things that have often taken months or even years to make.

The loss of an operating system like Windows is not so bad, you already have the album, all their programs on CD, but your personal information needs to be protected by you Even if it's on the CD/DVD/Blu-rays for CD DVD Data Recovery you can use several recovery software in the market

What measures should be taken to ensure that loss does not occur?

The real idea of data protection is not new, but still many people just the face of reality when it is too late.

The most essential basic steps are:

* Virus protection software
* personal firewall if you use the Internet
* Save personal files to CD/DVD

Antivirus and firewall protection will protect them from attacks that can destroy files and software. Storing files off-site ensure that there is no permanent record of all those things that you need. The most common is saved in other places less will be lost in case of disaster.

All the above protect you from loss of software due to some programs, but other things can cause data loss too.

The other things are related to hardware, which means that the actual place where files are stored is damaged or destroyed.

Some things that could cause a hardware failure or loss

* Lightning
* Theft
* Hard disk failure

The beam is very difficult to protect . The very fact that it is a force so powerful that the most basic means of lightning could not protect a direct attack. real protection for this costs a lot and is very often not preventable. If you live in a region with frequent strikes, be more careful in backing up frequently to a place and maybe even moving to another site that information.

The theft happens from time to time, once your team is gone, there is little hope of recovery.

Hard disk failures is when the drive itself fails due to some internal problems or any of the foregoing events physically harmful.

All these are quite horrible, but what can be done to prevent it.

Backups have been and remain the best way. If you have a copy of something in two places there is always a worse one if they are ugly.

Another option that is becoming more and more reasonable and cost-effective is a RAID disk array. This basically means that two hard drives work together as a couple, like the data, each being and exact copy of the other. So if one fails the other takes over and the defective can be replaced.

And finally, if you are facing the loss of a hard drive, there are experts in data recovery. For a fee large enough that you open your hard drive and try to recover what was in it. Never try to open and repair itself as the internal hard drive is a non containment, zero dust, even some particles may cause the unit repaired.

So make sure you're not the next to get a nasty surprise and make sure it is well protected against the loss of all your important information
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