Installing Zenoss on CentOS 5

Zenoss is a Open Source Monitoring Tool which is gaining more converts around.

Download can be foundat
A good tutorial can be found from How-To-Linux Zenoss

Step 1: To get the RPM from sourceforge
# wget

Step 2: Install the packages below you have not done so
# yum install mysql, mysql-server, net-snmp, net-snmp-utils
  • Make sure the mysql root user password is blank and the database is running on the same machine. If not edit /opt/zenoss/bin/zenoss_init_pre file
Step 3: Install the Zenoss Package
# rpm -Uvh zenoss-2.3.3.el5.i386.rpm

Step 4: Enable the following ports in your firewall
8080 TCP - Web Interface
162 UDP - SNMP Trap
514 UDP - Syslog

Step 5: Make sure the mySQL Services start on reboot
# service mysqld start
# chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on

Step 6: Setup a minimum configuration file for net-snmp and start the service
# echo -community zenoss /etc/snmp/snmpd 
# snmpd start
# chkconfig --level 35 zenoss on

Step 7: Proceed to the Web Interface

Step 8: Go to Add Device
IP Address or hostname of the unit you wish to monitor
Class of Machine you are monitoring (/Server/Linux)
SNMP Community (zenoss for this example)