Nanyang Technological University in Top500 and Green500 List

Nanyang Technological University supercomputer cluster has broke into the the top500list and green500 list. At point of writing the NTU Cluster is

  1. 267th in the Top500 List with over 28 Teraflops
  2. 24th most energy efficient with 266.68 Mflops per watts
  3. Fastest in ASEAN (in term of Rmax)
  4. Deployed the latest iDataplex, DCS9900, GPFS, Voltaire QDR infiniband

Happy for the NTU HPC team in Singapore. First time we are in top 500 for an island state.

News Articles:

  1. NTU Unveils Green Supercomputer, Fastest in ASEAN
    NTU unveils green and fastest supercomputer in ASEAN