Msn Messenger Plus It's a Virus

Msn-9.0plus.exe -- It's A Virus!

Do not click on that link!

There's been a lot of virii floating around the MSN Messenger Network lately. Some of them include links that pop up saying things like;

Hej, did you download the new MSN yet?
lol check out MSN ownz!
Automessage : Download MSN Plus:
lol, this is awsome...
Want more msn emotions?
MSN 8.0 Beta released....get it here
Hej, wanna update your Messenger
dude, this is awesome... a must see!
lol I just updated my Messenger and I must say IT ROCKS!
Check this out mate, it roxxx

Never click on these links when someone sends you one. The typical result is a virus infection. In the case of the links above the result is a W32/Antix-A infection